
The site’s main focus is for the Norfolk Repeater Group. However not all users of GB3NB, GB3AH  GB7NB GB7ND GB7NM GB3TX are aware of the other repeaters in Norfolk, how they work and how they can be supported. Information on how you can support the Norfolk Repeater Group can be found on our join us page.

Repeater Status
Repeater Output Shift Status
GB3NB 2M FM Norwich 145.625Mhz -0.6Mhz GOOD
GB3AH 70cm FM Dereham 433.275Mhz +1.6Mhz GOOD
GB7NB 70cm DSTAR Norwich 439.6875Mhz -9.0Mhz GOOD
GB7ND 70cm DMR Attlebourgh 439.4125 -9.0Mhz GOOD
GB7NM 2M YSF / D-STAR Attlebourgh 145.7375Mhz -0.6Mhz GOOD
GB3TX 2M 70cm 6M 10M Allstar Repeater 430.8125 +7.6Mhz GOOD
GB3TX 2M 70cm 6M 10M Allstar Repeater 145.600Mhz -0.6Mhz GOOD

We cannot comment on other repeaters but I am sure a quick call or an email to the relevant groups will sort any issues.

We work very closely with Norwich Repeater Group who maintains GB3NR, GB3NO and  GB3ANT.  The North Norfolk Group maintains GB3NN and GB3TN and both have just been upgraded. A new antenna has been installed on GB3NN and a digital input on GB3TN.

Additionally, Norfolk has the following repeaters.  GB3KY and GB3KL in Kings Lynn website http://www.klarc.org.uk/repeater/  and GB3YL , GB7YL and GB3LO in Lowestoft website https://lyrg.co.uk/.  Information regarding those groups can be found under local repeaters.

Suffolk repeater information can be found at www.sargroup.co.uk
Speak soon, or see you on one of the above. Alternatively keep in touch by registering on our website. You will need to register with your Amateur Radio Callsign.

If you are a D-STAR and or DMR user you can also register for the D-Star Gateway here which is required for D-STAR operation and use of the Reflectors.

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