
GB7ND Update

Norfolk Repeater Group (NRG) was asked to get involved in GB7VS by James M0ZAH as he was no longer able to manage the repeater which we did and agreed to assist.
Mark 2E0DWZ, Thomas m6??? Chris G4LPW and myself G0LGJ took the mast down which is owned by Mark 2E0DWZ.
Mast is currently at Mark’s QTH. Along with M0ZAH’s antenna.That is all we took away.
James agreed to manage the NOV application for a site change which he has done.
At that time James wanted to be the NOV holder this has changed and another application will need to be made to change the NOV holder to myself G0LGJ.

At the time of the taking the tower away the repeater / filters was not on site.
I understand there is an issue with current NOV holder and the previous site owner but I am not involved with this. However I have suggested if I can be any help to get the issues resolved then do not hesitate to ask. I have infact asked James to forward my details.

When we get the repeater back and the NOV get issued we will start to progress the tower install and shack build as at the moment we do not have a repeater or NOV and would be wasting our time and effort.
If this is not the case then we will attempt to source a MMDVM board and some suitable RF h/w. will be updated as soon as we have further information.

Mark G0LGJ Norfolk Repeater Group

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