Norfolk Repeater Group AGM 2019
Our 2019 AGM will be held at the Norfolk Radio Club on the 29th May 2019 details of the location of the NARC are found here.
Minutes from last year
2017 Minutes
Norfolk Repeater Group Meeting Minutes 30/5/2018
Apologies G4DYC G3MPN G0TZZ
Approval of 2018 meetings minutes
Matters Arising
Chairman’s Report
GB2CW ongoing on GB3NB working well along with GB2RS
Sec Reports
Mark mentioned all NOV’s and Insurance’s up to date for GB3AH GB3NB GB7NB GB7NM and GB3NV
Treasurers Reports
Income £474.95
Site Rent £110
Insurance £50
Broadband £84.89
Equipment £237.11
Webhosting £17.99
Total held £3463.22
Technical Report
G8VLL gave the following report
Mark Gave account of Tech matters, GB7ND updated along with GB3NV
Election of Officers
All committee members stood down
The committee was prepared to stand for another year and as such was re-elected en
mass unanimously.
Rod G0CBO questioned re GB3NR held open at times
All Shutdown ops stay the same.
Roger thanked the Radio Amateurs who stream the video for the TV repeaters
Mark thanked MArk 2E0DWZ for hosting GB7NM and GB7ND
Chris G0TZZ mentioned costs of the repeater group repeaters
GB3NB £2
GB3AH £5
GB7NB £10
GB7NV £10
Meeting closed. 20:20