Norfolk Repeater Group AGM 29th May 2019
Norfolk Repeater Group AGM 29th May 2019
Apologies from G0TZZ
Chairman’s Report
Roger G3LDI mentioned GB2CW and GB2RS both on the repeater.
Proposed Phil G6AIO seconded Bob G8SDU
Sec Report
Mark G0LGJ mentioned all insurances paid, Internet rate for GB7NB rate has risen looking for alternatives
Thanked all shutdown operators and all stayed same.
Treasurers Report
Mark Read report from Chris G0TZZ
Proposed M0SYW
Seconded Paul G4ZBA
Tech Report
Andy G8VLL mentioned GB3AH RX fault, GB3NB no issues. GB3NV 70cm RX faulty.
Mark G0LGJ gave overview of the new GB7NM multimode repeater which has been built over the last few months. Will be installed on site at Ellingham in the next 2 months.
Mark G0LGJ mentioned the 2 ATV repeater in Norfolk and how easy it is to watch and that the club has equipment to TX.
Election of Officers
Roger G3LDI stood down as Chairman Mark G0LGJ thanked him for his role. Rod G0CBO was proposed as new chairman by John G0MXN and seconded Mike G4DYC
All other officers continued to stand as was.
Rob G0CBO continued as chairman
Mark G0LGJ proposed that a general membership fee of £5 to cover all repeaters. Seconded Bob G8SDU
Meeting closed 20:22